Thursday, November 29, 2007

Grand Strand Bloggers

A Myrtle Beach New Media conference is in the works! A few of us got together this evening and hashed around a few ideas. I have taken the liberty of copying Dave Slusher's post from our Grand Strand Bloggers site, as he very eloquently summed up where we're at so far...

Take it away Dave.......

The Conference is On and We Need a Name November 29th, 2007 by dave

A group of us Grand Strand bloggers got together tonight to discuss whether or not to pursue a new media conference in Myrtle Beach this spring. We kicked around the pros and cons, best and worst cases and decided we can live with them all. In other words, it is on! We’re looking at April 2008 with an exact date to be pinned down shortly and tentative space to be secured. We’re not sure what to expect on turnout and are building in mechanisms to allow us to scale up if we exceed our attendance predictions, etc etc. All details will start to take shape soon. Further updates will be posted to this blog so subscribing will be the best way to find out what is happening.

The first order of business is to pick a name for this conference so that we can register a domain and go forward. We are accepting nominations until midnight EST on Wednesday December 6th. After that, we’ll put up a poll for voting until the following Sunday. Whatever wins we will roll forward with. Please leave your nominations in comments, second other suggestions and make your opinions known. For those of you with your own blogs, please publicize our current nomination process and that fact we are going for it. Everyone is welcome, but we are particularly focusing on the magic circle of about 3ish hours driving distance, which includes roughly south to Savannah, west to Augusta and north to Raleigh or so.

Thanks to everyone whose enthusiasm and interest made us decide to go forward. We’ll do our best to have a shindig everyone learns from and everyone is proud of.

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